
38 Audio Reviews

30 w/ Responses

Holy fuckin' Christmas, this kicks ass!! A very fun track, very experimental!! This one seems to go down some strange paths, can't help but feel nostalgia and just sort of darkness up ahead. Sort of like going down memory lane. The good and the bad things smacked into one. That's the vibe I'm getting anyways... it's almost dreadful near the end. Maybe I'm just crazy... it's a lot like holding on as long as you can, before it's all gone. This track is a ride, maybe I'm just in the moment but damn, this is a good track! Hats off to you two!

Anchorwind responds:

Nostalgia mixed with Darkness. I, we, approve.

I'm really diggin' these newer tracks of yours, man!

Lich responds:

Thanks, glad you like them!

Very cool!

The atmosphere is great, the darkness is great, and the bass tones.... oh those bass tones. Very subtle, yet very effective! Love the feel! Good work.

Anchorwind responds:

Thank you very much for your time and your review. This one is of particular emotional significance to me. Autobiographical, if you will.

I think the fact that I remixed my own version of this song, speaks for what I think of it.
Very great song! A ton of emotion, and just plain o' badassery! Love it!

ZLEAP responds:

Yeah. I am pretty awesome, huh.

Ha Thanks man.

You already know what I think.

On the record, however... this track to me is very reminiscence of something that would probably be in something like Castle Crashers. Which is awesome. Levels could be adjusted better, and could be more punchy in some areas. The composition is nice though, and the synth movement near the end is a very nice touch. Great work for your first electronic track, and use of FL Studio nonetheless.


I must admit this was really cool! Heartgrinder really laid down a nice feel for the spoken poetry. I agree with 'LasciviousGork' this could be a cool introduction for an album of some sort.

ttbloodlusttt responds:

I'm pleased that you enjoyed it.

This is great! I'm really looking forward to hearing the full project!

ZLEAP responds:

I'm really looking forward to unleashing it upon the world.


I make noise and people think it's music.

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Joined on 2/18/12

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